Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Something Yummy

Okay so I was think'n today... yes I do think occasionally and I wondered why my blog didn't have all this cutesy stuff. You know, how to throw together a cocktail party for 16 of your closest friends in 5 minutes or less, or how to make a lovely book bag out of organic material that you made yourself from the cotton you harvested out of your back yard (yes I am catty and to all of you out there that do this there is nothing wrong with it I am just envious). So as I was throwing together a little snack to keep my kids occupied I thought hey, I'll blog about this I mean it is homemade, from scratch, no mix! (nothing organic though). So I will share one of my favorite recipes that I love, love, love and my kids are hooked on it now. It is incredibly hard to make so if it turns out right well you might just be the next Rachel Ray! (I had to say that because I was just reading about how people always say recipes are easy and they really aren't and my SIL was ranting a little about a friend that gave her a recipe and was oh this is so easy you won't even have to go to the store but it had weird ingredients like cider vinegar in it). So if you need a dessert here is one that you can whip up in no time. It is called Texas Sheet Cake it's a yummy chocolate cake with frosting. I am not even going to pretend it is my recipe but I have been making it for quite a while. It is really yummy if you cut it into squares and freeze it. So there you are.....my attempt at having a cute, crafty little blog. More to come after my cotton harvest!



fab5 said...

Funny...I just found one of my old recipes similar to this and my kiddos and I are going to make it soon! We just need to be home long enough to make it. Thanks for the inspiration!

Clover said...


Ok. Since you totally just MADE FUN OF ME ON THE INTERWEB, you owe me a piece of that cake. Yum.