Thursday, January 12, 2012

What is it about watching your 12 year old sons shove cookie dough into his mouth that feels so satisfying. I know that sounds a little weird but as I made cookies with gig tonight, my (not so) little man came into the kitchen from his daily hike. His nose perked up and he immediately grabbed a spoon and shoved a big ol scoop of cookie dough right into his mouth. You could see the sheer pleasure on his face, my heart was full. I thought about it and realized it was more than just cookies. He is growing so fast and is only 2 weeks away from being an official teenager. We are up to it in eye rolls, ughhh moms, I know, I knows, and mood swings. We are monitoring Internet use, texting, cell calls, and female stalkers. All things little boy have disappeared from our house but in that moment when his face lit up from the cookie dough, I caught just a glimps of the little boy that is fading so quickly. My heart was happy. All that teenage bravado and independence melted away and he was my little boy eating cookie dough. Slow down clock, I want to keep him little for just a few more moments........

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